What You Need To Know About Feline Intestinal Lymphoma: VLOG 98
– There’s low grade or small cell lymphomaand then there is high gradeor large cell lymphoma. And they’re really quite distinctin how cats will present. Welcome back to thecats quick notes versionwhere I’m breaking this up and giving you,a little mini series oneverything you need to knowabout cat lymphoma. This is the second in the series,so if you missed numberone, be sure to go back,I’ll put a link below to vlog number 97. In this one, we’re gonna be talking aboutthe most common form of lymphoma,gastrointestinal lymphoma. Let’s dive in but stay tunedif you wanna know aboutthings like nasal lymphomaor renal lymphoma, we’regonna about those as well. So let’s hop in,let’s talk about gastrointestinallymphoma in cats. Okay, number three we’regonna be talking aboutgastrointestinal lymphoma. And I think there’s two thingsthat I really want you to know about that,is that there’s two distinct forms,there’s low grade or small cell lymphomaand then there’s high gradeor large cell lymphoma. And they are really quitedistinct in how cats will present. Both forms of the disease willcause cats to lose weight,have vomiting, diarrheaand then some degreeof changes in appetite,so they may completely noteat or they maybe pickyor not wanna eat the same foodbut it can usually vomiting,diarrhea, weight lossand then changes in appetite to anorexia. You can have one of thoseor you can have all of thoseand still end up with adiagnosis of lymphoma. Cats that have the low grade lymphoma,the small cell lymphoma,it’s usually more of a chronic diseasethat is developing over months,usually with what likethree to six months,so it is a much more slowlydeveloping disease process. Cats with high grade lymphoma,those cats tend to get sicker, quicker,and usually that is arapidly progressing cancerand those cats are gettingsick over days to weeks. We’re making the diagnosismuch more quicklyand we are starting a more aggressiveinjectable chemotherapy much more quicker. So what I think is confusingfor a lot of pet ownersis usually when you startgoogling about lymphoma,if your cat has smallcell low grade lymphomaand you start reading the stuffabout high grade lymphoma,which is the more commonform, it gets confusingbecause we use differentchemotherapy protocolsand the prognosis is different. So, I really just wannamake that distinctionthat a high grade and a lowgrade lymphomas are different. You know, one is a moreslowly developing disease,the other one is muchmore quickly developingand sometimes it’s more challengingto confirm the diagnosis in catswith small cell low grade lymphoma. It’s often very difficultto distinguish frominflammatory bowel disease. Those kitties often need biopsies,usually surgical biopsiesor endoscopic biopsies. And cats with a high grade lymphoma,we do ultrasounds and often we can docytology ultrasound guided aspirants. So, they’re not the same beast,even though they’re all called lymphoma. So I think that’s a reallyimportant thing to understandwhen we’re talking aboutgastrointestinal lymphoma. The other thing and I thinkand there are studies toback this up, is you know,I think one of the thingsthat is frustrating,is all too often we thinkthat vomiting is normaland I think that a lot of petowners, often make excusesthat we say, the cat just eats too fastor that he’s always done thisor they have a sensitive stomach. Maybe their cat is just a nervous eaterand that’s why they’re vomitingor they have a long haired coatand they’re just vomiting up hairballs. But vomiting is not normal. And, you know, there arestudies that look at catsthat have vomiting and I lookedat cats that had vomitingmore than two times permonth for three months,or small bowel diarrhea,or weight loss of a poundin the last six months. And those cats went onand had some abnormalitieson their ultrasound, and then went onand had surgical biopsies. And this was a studythat came out in 2013,and they looked at 100 catsand 99 of those hundred catswith chronic signs of vomiting,diarrhea or weight loss,that I described, inan abnormal ultrasoundthat went on and had surgery. 99 of those hundred catseither had inflammatorybowel disease or lymphoma. Most of those cats at thesmall cell low grade lymphoma,a few did have highgrade lymphoma as well. But it really just goes to emphasizethat vomiting is not normal. Weight loss is not not normal. Diarrhea is not normal. And it’s one of those thingswhere I think it’s importantthat we weigh our cats regularly. We get them in to and sometimes actuallylike circle on a calendar,how many times a month they’re vomitingbecause I think that can really highlightthat it’s not as normal as we think. So again, and that study was greaterthan two times per monthfor three months minimumand that was one of thetriggers to get an ultrasoundand look for thickened intestines. So, again, you’re gonnatalk to your oncologistor your veterinarian about the high gradeversus the low grade. But I just wanted to makethat important distinction,that there are two different entities,high grade lymphomas typically treatedwith an IV chemotherapy. There are some oral forms,I’m gonna do my next vlogon the chemotherapy treatmentoptions but low grade lymphomais usually managed withsteroids and oral chemotherapy. So, again, they’re very distincteven though they’re called lymphomaand I know that can be very confusing. The other thing I wantyou to know about lymphomais there are otherlocations that we see it. It’s not just the GI tract. So what are some of theother locations that we see?So we often see it in this,the nasal sinus cavityand believe it or not,that’s one of the best placesthat your cat can have it. Why is that?Because those cats typicallyhave the best prognosis. We can see it in the kidneys. We can see it in the liver. We can see it in thecentral nervous system,so like the spinal cord,occasionally the brain as well. So again, there arethese white blood cellscirculating throughoutthe body, so potentially,we can see it anywhere in the body,but gastrointestinal tractis the most common place. But, the prognosis has beenassociated with the locationso that is going to be oneof the important things. So it’s not just thegastrointestinal tract, like I said,there are other locations aswell and often multiple places. And I should mention when I talk aboutthe gastrointestinal tract,it often will involvethose lymph nodes that are, you know,near the GI tract as well in the abdomen. Sometimes those cats will haveliver and spleen involvementand that will still be consideredpart of the GI lymphoma. There are some cats thatwill just have liver lymphomaand that is distinct. Some cats will just have kidney lymphomaand interesting thosekitties with kidney lymphomaoften will then progressand go into the central nervous system. So a lot of you know unique thingsthat you’re gonna wannatalk to your oncologistor your veterinarian about. I always put linkson where you can find aveterinary specialist,because I do think it isworthwhile to try to talk to themor always talk to your veterinarianand see if they can guide you, you know,with that referral and gettingthat information as well. So that was the third and the fourth thingin my little mini series on cat lymphoma. Be sure to join me next weekwhere we’ll live talkingabout the prognosis or,you know, when you walk in,you really wanna know how is my catgoing to do with lymphoma. So we’re gonna be talkingabout the prognosis for catsthat get treated, and catsthat don’t get treated,and some of the prognostic factors,which are some of the thingsthat we can do to help youpredict how your cat may dobefore they start treatment,and then as you’regoing through treatment. So those are the predictive factors. So be sure to join me next week. Thanks so much for watching. Please don’t forget to subscribeand share this video with someonethat you think may benefitfrom the information. I so appreciate you joiningand I look forward to seeingyou in our next video.