Upper Respiratory Infection in Cats
SHELLEY: Cats are unique creatures. But they also tend to experience the same
health issues over and over and over again. Feline Upper Respiratory Infections and urinary
tract infections are two of the most commonproblems we hear about in cats. So what if we told you there are ways to help
prevent these infections from happening inthe first place. In this episode of the Pet Care Pro Show,
we have LISA joining us to talk about URIand UTI infections in cats. Before we start, consider subscribing to the
Revival Animal Health YouTube channel, byclicking this little red heart, or the subscribe
button down below if you’re watching thison YouTube. Okay, now let’s talk about Upper Respiratory
Infections and urinary tract infections incats and the best ways to prevent these from
reoccurring?LISA: Let’s start with upper respiratory
infections. Every species of animal has a weak spot and
for cats, its respiratory problems. That’s why most vaccines for cats protect
against viruses that attack the respiratorytract. If left untreated, these respiratory infections
can turn fatal. SHELLEY: So what are the biggest causes of
upper respiratory infections in cats?LISA: Feline herpesvirus also known as feline
viral rhinotracheitis is the number one issuein kittens and breeding queens. This virus attacks the eye and upper respiratory
system. Inbreeding queens, it can even cause abortions. SHELLEY: Right. But the tricky thing about herpes is it has
an incubation period, so you may not knowa cat is infected until it’s already spread
it to other cats in the area. LISA: Exactly. Herpes has an incubation period of two to
six days and sometimes even longer. If a cat is a carrier of herpes, it can shed
the virus throughout her life. When a carrier cat is stressed, which often
happens when a queen is giving birth, it canstart shedding the virus and expose those
newborn kittens to herpes. SHELLEY: Now another cause of URIs in cats
is calicivirus. Tell us about that. LISA: Eye and nasal discharge and lots of
sneezing are typical indications of calicivirus. The incubation period for calicivirus is five
days but it sheds for at least 75 days afterrecovery. And like herpes, some cats can be carriers. SHELLEY: Andfinally Bordetella bronchiseptica is the third
main cause of URIs, especially in young kittensand rescues where cats are housed together. LISA: Yes, Bordetella Bronchiseptica is a
bacterial issue and it can be fatal. If Bordetella has been diagnosed, early vaccination
is the key to prevention. SHELLEY: Right, you mentioned vaccination,
which really is important when it comes topreventing upper respiratory infections. LISA: Yes, preventing URI’s is most effective
with vaccinations. The Nobivac Feline Bb prevents Bordetella
bronchiseptica in cats while the Fel-O-Vax4 plus CaliciVax helps prevent herpes and
calicivirus. SHELLEY: Now if your cat does get an upper
respiratory infection. What are some good treatment options?LISA: Treatment of URIs in cats should include
doxycycline because it penetrates mucus andcan treat eye issues at the same time. In addition, Clavamox also works well as a
treatment for URI, especially for kittens. SHELLEY: Doxycycline and Clavamox are both
prescription items that we do carry. So if you get a prescription from your vet,
our pharmacy team can help you out with that. LISA: Yes, and in addition to doxycycline,
nose drops given several times a day is alsoa great option. When giving nose drops, just drip it in the
nose and let the cat sneeze it back out, thenwipe their nose with a soft paper towel. SHELLEY: And
we have more information on making those nosedrops Lisa mentioned along with a few other
URI treatment options in the article Cat RespiratoryDisease. You can find that in the Learning Center on
our website at RevivalAnimal. com or we’veput a link to that article in the description
below. Now before we talk urinary tract infections
or UTIs, if you are finding this video helpful,click the like button below. Okay, now let’s talk UTIs. These are also, very common in cats. LISA: Yes, they are. Bladder infections and crystals are common
in cats, especially males. SHELLEY: And the cat’s urine, die, and water
all are factors that can cause UTI’s. LISA: That’s correct. The most common cause of crystals is alkaline
or basic urine and minerals in the cat’sdiet and water. If there are excess minerals in the cat’s
diet, they are eliminated through the urine,where under alkaline conditions, these minerals
can crystallize and form crystal sand-likea stone. SHELLEY: These crystals then irritate the
urinary tract. LISA: Exactly. The urinary tract is then more prone to bacteria
and that can sometimes cause blood in theurine and infections. SHELLEY: Okay, so what is the best way to
achieve the ideal urine ph balance in cats?LISA: Potassium citrate affects the pH of
the urine and cranberry has properties thatkeep bacteria from sticking to the bladder
wall. These products are generally well tolerated
by cats. I recommend Doc Roy’s Potassium Citrate
plus Cranberry. It helps maintain a healthy urinary tract
in cats and dogs and inhibits the formationof bladder stones. SHELLEY: Thanks, Lisa!If you’ve found this advice helpful, make
sure to share this video with other cat ownerswho you think could benefit. And if have you have questions, comment below
and we will get those answered!I’m Shelley with the Revival education team. This is LISA, a Revival Pet Care Pro. Thank you so much for joining us on this cat
health episode of the Pet Care Pro Show. SHELLEY:
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in cats or any other pet health issue, callour Pet Care Pros at this number. Or check out our other pet health videos