Reasons for Cat’s Excessive Vocalization


Reasons for Cat’s Excessive Vocalization


Our beautiful pets – cats – had come from Africa’s deserts, where they had not hanged around with other cats in packs like dogs do but had hunted and lived on their own. Every cat owner already knows that cats have inherited from their ancestors’ solitary lifestyle, which they stick to even today. Their affinity for solitary life has nothing to do with domestication. Cats stay loyal to their original nature. Because of that, cats did not have to develop a variety of vocal sounds to communicate with each other. In the wild, communication of their ancestors had encompassed a small amount of vocal sounds that has mainly been the warnings or threats with a single purpose – to defend their territory. Despite the fact that domestication did not change the lifestyle of cats, it made them more vocal. They need more meowing that helps them to get food, water, or attention. During their cohabitation with humans, cats’ set of vocal sounds became larger and larger. Today’s cats develop a huge repertoire of sounds that helps them to ask to be petted, to go outside, to play, etc. In case a cat’s vocalization becomes excessive, the article “7 Reasons Why Your Cat Meows Nonstop” explains different cases when we should pay attention.

Reasons for Cat’s Excessive Vocalization

1. She’s in heat
Of course, this is only true if your cat is not spayed. But if your five- or six-month-old unspayed cat suddenly starts meowing and carrying on, she may be seeking a mate.

2. Hyperthyroidism
Typically found in older cats, hyperthyroidism displays a number of symptoms, including weight loss despite ravenous hunger, excessive activity, and excessive vocalization.

3. Loss of vision and/or hearing
If your older cat cries like a lost child once you’ve turned off the lights and gone to bed, she may really feel lost.

4. Senility
Yes, cats can become senile. This condition, known as feline cognitive dysfunction, can cause a number of problems that will leave your cat feeling scared and disoriented.

5. Feline hyperesthesia syndrome
A cat with this condition will sometimes get wild-eyed and just go nuts, almost as if she’s hallucinating.

6. Pain
Cats rarely show their pain, but sometimes when they’re really hurting, they’ll call out.

7. Loneliness or boredom
Single cats who are very closely bonded with their caretakers are particularly susceptible to loneliness or boredom.

As we have seen, cat’s meowing emerged when cats wanted to talk with people. Most often, cat’s meowing is not that serious as listed above. Sometimes, cats simply use vocal sounds to say hello to their owners. If their caregivers spend a lot of time away from home, they certainly will need attention and their meowing will be a sign they crave for owners’ company. It would be surprising because we tend to think that cats are antisocial. Despite their solitary lifestyle, they still need social bonding with their family; interestingly, it does not matter if their family includes humans. It is important to understand that cat’s meowing is normal for a healthy cat, but if it goes to its extreme, then we should pay attention in more detail.

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