Cat Diabetes & Cat Care Blog


Upper Respiratory Infection in Cats


SHELLEY: Cats are unique creatures. But they also tend to experience the samehealth issues over and over and over again. Feline Upper Respiratory Infections and urinarytract infections are two of the most commonproblems we...


Litter Box Basics


All right folks, I’ve beenhassled about this forever. We’re going to talkabout litter boxes. As cats are all littleindividual snowflakes,they all come from the sameplace, from that big cat cloud,right?And like any other cloud,a...


You’re Setting Up Your Litter Box All Wrong!


You set out to just putout something definitiveabout litter boxes and sortof Litter Box Etiquette 101. And it’s just like theAlice in Wonderlandrabbit hole just likefilled with poop instead,because you’re justconstantly digging and diggingand...


How to tell if your cat is sick


Hi! My name is Doctor Uri Burstyn. I’m a veterinarian in Vancouver BC and I’d like to welcome you to my series of practical skills for pet owners. I’m here with Clawdia today to...


The Story of Saberteeth


Nothing had a smile like Smilodon. This fearsome Ice Age cat, the size of a modern-day tiger, had a pair of fangs nearly 18 centimeters long. And you know what?Those giant teeth just might...
