Ideally all cats would be allowed accessto the outdoors to express their naturalbehaviour. However some cats need to beconfined to the indoors. The decision onwhether to keep your cat inside shouldbe assessed on your...
hey cat lovers I’m Dr. Kate Adams fromBondi Vets. Today we’re going to be talking about all things cats. I see so many people who have so many questionsabout what to feed my cat,...
From time to time many cats will have an episodeof diarrhea. So one of the things that youwant to do is check your litter box dailyto see if the stool is normal. This stoolin...
Hi I’m Terry Daly I know a lot of peoplewho only bring their cats to the vetwhen the cats are acting sick. Iunderstand this, cats resist travelingespecially to the vet and a lot ofpeople...
Hello everybody my name is Dr. FeroxAnd thanks for joining me on this little, very simplified rant about the glorious metabolic catastrophe that is diabetic ketoacidosisor DKA for shortyou would all know that in...
so this is just a quick video to let myfriends knowthat Khan is okay thank you for everyone’smessages of support andencouragement. He had to go to that last night I found himyesterday eveningon the...
G’day Madeline innocent here. Diabetesmellitus in cats or diabetes in cats asit is more commonly referred to, is agrowing problem. Just as with everyfeline disease, diabetes is becoming moreand more prevalent. There’s no veterinary...
Hi! I am Dr. Adrienne Mulligan and I am theowner of Camp Verde Veterinary Clinic andI am here today on behalf of expertvillage. comto talk to you about cat first aid and administrationof medications....
Cat Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook, Fully Revised and Updated
Many veterinary treatments for cats were based on research conducted with dogs because it was wrongly assumed that cats were very similar. Recently, there have been giant strides in feline veterinary research. This classic reference is fully updated and revised to reflect these advances.
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The Truth About Pet Food
Would you feed your pet diseased or rotten meat? Would you feed your pet toxic chemicals? You may be right now and not even know it!
Buyer Beware: The Crimes, Lies and Truth about Pet Food
Check Your Cats Blood Sugar At Home
Delicious Home Meals For Cats & Dogs
Dinner PAWsible is a collection of more than fifty cat and dog food recipes that will teach you how to whip up a fresh, balanced meal for your hungry critters. Written by a veterinarian certified in food therapy and an advocate for pet food safety, these recipes are also based on the National Research Council requirements for dogs and cats.