How to Stop Your Cats From Scratching Furniture
All right. Fine, Jackson, fine. You told me all aboutdeclawing and how terrible it. Is And fine, fine, Iwon’t declaw my cat. My cat is stillwrecking my house. My cat is scratchingup my furniture. My cat is scratching me. I don’t want my cat to scratch. Now what do I do?Well, calm down Sleeplessin Scratchville. It’s time to get catified. If you watched episodeabout declawing,you know exactly whereI fall on the matter. I mean, I made myselfpretty clear, right?Don’t do it. Don’t do it. It’s inhumane, it’s cruel,it’s unusual, it’s unnecessary. And it rarely works insolving behavioral problems. It usually makesother ones crop up. And did I tell you it hurts?You said, find. And you said it inloud, loud ways. I mean, thank youby the way, people. The way you’re coming out,team Cat Mojo in force, right?How do you live witha cat and her claws?Well, I’m going to tell you it. There’s a few things wehave to bear in mind. Scratching is anecessity for cats. It’s not a luxury. Cats need to, firstof all, exercisethe top part of their body. It’s a nice way to grabsomething and pull down and getthat exercise. Also, it’s a really importantpart of marking territory. Now remember, Cat Mojo 101. Cats need to own places. If they don’t own places, theybecome very, very insecureand anxious, and theyact out in other ways. If it is a necessary, if catsdo need to scratch, well then,what are we goingto do about that?The first thing that wedo is trim their nails. You take either a nail trimmeror a human nail clipper,or the ones that theysell in the stores thatare more like systems,whatever suits your fancy. You press the cat’s pad. And boink, out comes the nail. All you’ve got to dois take off the tip. You don’t have totake off that partwhere the red meets the white. You don’t have to worryabout hurting them that way. You don’t worryabout what we callquicking them, which ishitting that blood supplyand making everyone unhappy. Just bump, and it’s done. It’s also the approach, folks. Just act as if you’re justwalking up and you’re say hi. And things will getmuch, much easier. Also, catch them napping. I mean, when your cat’ssleeping or just waking up,you’re having a lazymoment together. You can have clippersby the side of your bed. All you’re doing is gettingthe nail out and clipping. If every time youtouch your cat’s paws,they’re going to get clipped?Then they’re not goingto let you do it. So associate it with positivethings, a nice quiet time. And then maybe youonly get one nailwhile you’re sitting there. That’s fine. Because over the courseof a couple days,you’ll get them all. The next thing that we wantto start thinking aboutis where they’re scratching. Remember, it’sterritorially important. There’s two human scentsoakers– your couchand your bed. Where do you spend themost part of your timewhen you get home from work?Your couch and your bed. And that’s whereyour scent is strong. It’s a scent soaker. And because of that,your cat is goingto want to complimentyour scent with theirs. In the show, you’ve seen this,I’m sure, a million times. I get redundant. The yes and the no. Behind every no,there has to be a yes. If we don’t want them scratchingon the arm of the chair,we have to say, well, thislocation is still important. Let’s say you use aproduct like Sticky Paws. Sticky Paws isdouble-sided sticky tapethat is actually designed notto actually stick to your couch. But when your cat touchesit, it’s kind of tackyand they don’t like it. OK, we’ll say no, and put stickypaws down the arm of the couch. But right next door, therehas to be a scratching post. There has to be a scratchingpost that works for them sothat they can complimentyour scent with them,and leave a visual and scentmarker in a territoriallycrucial area. What makes a goodscratching post?All right, let’stalk about that. The first thing isa nice wide base,because if your cat goes toscratch down and the thingwobbles, well then,the couch wins. Does your cat prefer corrugatedcardboard or sisal ropeor carpeting or natural wood?What is it your cat likes?There are a lotof nice scratchesout on the market there. But you’ve got to sometimes lookin different places, you know?You don’t want to just gofor the first one you see,and then get madwhen it doesn’t work. In a situation whereyou have young children,or if you’re immunecompromised, thingslike that– which in the pastwere kind of given reasonsto declaw a cat– you can thinkof something like Soft Paws. And Soft Paws is a brandname, but there are other onesout there. They’re basicallyjust vinyl nail tips. They go on. They don’t hurt,nothing like that. And the only downside isthat after a month or so,they’re just going to popoff as the nail grows. And then you trim thenails and do it again. It is a way that there’sno way that the nails cando any damage. I like that to besort of a last resort. Because why do it?Why go through allthe aggravationif you don’t have to?Plus. I like accommodatingthe raw cat. We want cats to be confidentin the areas that they scratch. We want them to assertthemselves territorially. We just want them todo it in the placethat we want them to doit, and not in the placewe don’t want them to do it. Don’t forget, you can startthis when they’re young. I mean seriously, if you areclipping your cat’s clawsand giving them the yes and theno, and they’re a young kid,you will not have aproblem as they grow up. And there’s a lotof people out therewho are like, why wouldI compromise for my cat?You know, you’ve got children. You’ve got spouses and partners. And let me tell yousomething, the compromiseinvolved with those guysdwarfs the needs of your cat. So listen, if you’ve gotto go out there and geta scratching post, you’vegot to put some sticky tapeon your couch, you’ve gotto go put Soft Paws on,you’ve got to clipyour cat’s nails. That’s the cost of havinga beautiful relationshipwith your cat. It is an invaluablerelationship,and beautiful inevery single way. Now you know everythingthat you needto know– the basics,anyway– on making surethat your furniture andthe people in your housestay safe while keepingyour cat’s claws intact. Now, in the meantime folks, youcan find me anywhere, right?Anywhere and everywhere. Find me Twitter, Facebook,InstaGram, Google+. There’s no excuse. I am all over the place. Be sure to join me onWednesday, February 5. I’ll answer your questions. And we’re going to talkmore about declawing. So stay tuned formore information. But man, get that on yourcalendar and do it now. Hey, I’ve got to sayit one more time. Folks, thank you somuch for the supportthat you’re showing that lastvideo that I put out there. It’s getting circulatedfar and wide. You are telling your friends. We are finally going toget that message out. What’s the message?Declawing your cat is not OK. Anyhow folks, untilwe talk next time. All light, all love,all mojo to you. Muah.