How to Prep RAW CAT FOOD
you are just being so cute for thecamera right now what a show-offhello guys and welcome back to myChannel today I am going to be doingsome meal prep for Zeus I’m going to bepreparing all his food for the next weekto two weeks we’ll see how long it lastsso this week Zeus is going to be 13weeks old he has been eating a raw fooddiet since I’ve got him and he’s doingreally well if I do say so myself he haslots of energy well he’s either sleepingor running around like a crazy catanyways so the plan for today I haven’tbeen following a really strict recipewould have been preparing his food I tryto follow the rule of 80/10/10 so 80% ofhis food is muscle meat 10% is bones and10% is organs with 5% of that beingliver and I talked about why I havechosen to feed him this way in aprevious video so I’ll link that upabove if you want to check it out butbasically this is what cats should beeating they do not require carbohydratesand most generic cat foods are filledwith carbs but that’s the short answerso check that video out after this onebut anyways let’s get into itokay so here is what I’m going to beprepping for Zeus today the first thingwe have is these chicken necks what I’mgoing to do with these is half of them Iam just going to cut up into smallerpieces what happens is he tries to getthe meat off the bones and it’s reallygood for their teeth the other half I amgoinggrind up the meat and the bones togetherand that is going to be his source ofbones in his diet then I have somechicken giblets so just gonna chop theseup into a little bit smaller pieces Idon’t really want to grind anything uptoo much I want him to have to chew toeat it then I have some chicken liversso again just gonna cut those up withthe smaller pieces and then I just havesome diced lamb so as you can see thiswas on special that’s why I grabbed itbut really any type of meat diced or notwill do so yeah as you can see this is$4 I’m only going to give him a smallfraction of this and then freeze therest separately and use that later thiswas $6 this was 350 and this was $9 so$20 in total for everything I’m gonnaprep this will probably last about tendays to two weeks depending so the onething I’m going to mention is that Ihaven’t found a type of heart that Zeuswill eat fresh I’ve given him beef heartlamb heart chicken heart and he hasn’tbeen keen on any of it so what I’ve beendoing is when I serve his food sometimesI add this heart powder and this is justfreeze-dried beef heart the other thingI might add when I serve it is eithersome of these dried sardines for elseI’ll give him one of these capsules notthe whole thing I’ll just poke a hole init or cut it in half and give himbetween a quarter to a half of a wholecapsule and that’s his source of omega-3is one of these and yeah let’s getprepping so I have a whole bunch oflittle containers we’re gonna start withthe easy part which is just choppingeverything up and that’ll show you whatI do with the chicken necks afterwardsand I don’t want to cut everything upinto pieces that are too small I wanthim to sort of have to chew on it chewthrough it sort of work to eat it andthis will help keep his teeth nice andstrong right from the start and he lovedthese chicken giblets he loves chickenin general actually the chicken necks sothese obviously have bones in themthey’re chicken necks but they also havemuscle meat on them so what I’m going todo with some of them is cut them up intopieces like this and then again good forhis teeth he just has to chew and try toget the meat off of them so I’ll putlike one or two of those in for each dayI’m gonna try to break them down andthen I’ll put them in my blender so Iwill blend up the meat with the bonesand then that’s his source of bones thathe’s gonna get and there you have itthis is this is food for the next weekto ten days probably so what I do is I’mgonna put all of these in the freezerand each night I will take one out andthat will be his food for the next day Igive him about a quarter of it firstthing in the morning and he usually eatsthat right away and I pretty much justkeep refilling his bowl as it empties Idon’t let anything sit out for more thana couple hours I get rid of it if it isstill sitting out but yeah I pretty muchjust let him keep eating and keep eatinghe is a growing kitten so he needs a lotof food like I said before each day Iwill add a quarter to a half of a fishoil capsule as well as some beef heartpowder but I mean I think it’s a lotabout experimenting and seeing what yourcat will eatthe next batch of food I make I’m goingto completely switch things up getdifferent types of meat different bonesdifferent organs different everythingand that’s it guys so that literallytook 30 minutes probably cost me at 20buckswhich actually might seem a little bitexpensive but you have to keep in mind Ididn’t use all of those chicken necks Ididn’t use all of the chicken liverprobably cost about let’s say $7 a weekbut yeah really no time at all supereasy and my kitty it will stay superhealthy so thank you so much guys forwatching give this video a thumbs up ifyou enjoyed and also click thatsubscribe button and turn notificationson so you don’t miss a videolots more cat content to come thanksagain I’ll see you guys next timebyeyouyes