Funny Cat Compilation – Have A Look At The Funniest Ragdoll Cats On The Web!
cherry coca-cola up here for recyclingso I threw the ice cube inside of thebox and I ran to get my camera he’stelling it is JK is rudeso I just got back from shopping andguilty party that started this is overhere he that green bag is my purse thatI take around and Charlie initiallygrabbed the tampon out of my purse andthen Trigg heard him playing so he camedownstairs to see what was going on andhas been having a ball with the tamponout ever since it’s the ragdoll flop youdid yet ready goTony so this might look like a normalsuitcase but I didn’t know that someonehad found a little home inside of herelet’s see if we can get him to revealhimselfso trick started this game he got intothe suitcase with the lid closed withoutme being in the room and then madehimself known about five minutes afterI’d been in the room and then Charliecame to five chickie there’s like no waynow GEand then I went to go do something and Iwasn’t paying attention to him and Iturned around and there is water allover the mirror just all over like he’snot doing it yeah but he tries to biteit he thinks it’s a string so funny mmmhe takes a bite I can’t imagine whatit’s like to bite water he also hassticking this whole head underneath itand that’s why there was water all overthe mierqis he would shake his head cuzit was waygood name chemists be nice poor toadthis is something I started as a kittenI’m sorry but all cats pretty much wouldlike to do this I don’t know why butstarted with rags and then I’ve done itwith Murphy and Camus of course justwatching trig and not through the screensorry about that Charlie Charlie go gethungry what it’s past noon whoo whoowhoo and past New Jersey get up whoowhere’s that face why are you hiding theface word Oh dirtiest thanks Willie areyou gonna get up now let’s go outsideokay today we’re going to do a videowhere we rap Camus so not that you guyswill witness this part but I’m gonna rapCamus and then send a picture of him rapto my mom and say hey I wrapped myChristmas presentsmy 2014 Christmas gift today isCharlie’s birthday and it is alsoWednesday which means that we’ve justgot our grocery store ads for the weekand this is a game that I played withCharlie a long time ago and we continuedto play it so he gets in the sink andthen I take the grocery ad or similarand rub it across his face but we cansketch the computer skate every in theTVthis may be the best product I’ve evertested I’ll never do anything oh my godI’m thinking cute but word Oni beginthose gerbilshere’s on that kid you man bad this isfunnyokay I’m gonna move this out here thereyou goI don’t kitchen those Bob don’t scratchthe screen that’s Owens bad side ohshoot I’m gonna do his claws before wewatch more of thisno I could look at a patent noscratching the screen my friend