Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) – VetVid Episode 008
Hello, I’m Dr. Mike. Today were going to talkabout feline lower urinary tract disease. This is a very common disease, especiallyin male or overweight cats. It is veryimportant to recognize the signs of this disease,as it can be serious, requiringemergency care and possibly surgery. FLUTDstands for feline lower urinary tractdisease and its a disease that can affectour cat population, usually the younger catswho are anywhere between about six monthsto about five years or so. It is somethingwhere the kidneys are working and they’reproducing urine and making the urine go intothe bladder, but the bladder is not able toevacuate itself, so the urine backs up intotheurinary bladder and is not able to get tothe outside. Its predominately our male catswith this particular disease. Overweight catstend to be more effected than our leancats, but the young male cats are the onesthat are most effected. Clinical signs thatthey’ll often notice are cats that are goingto the litter box more frequently than normal,so several times, not really producing anyurine. A lot of times, cats will also vomitandnot want to eat. They will sometimes showsigns of discomfort as well, just as the urineis accumulating in the bladder, unable tobe passed. If an owner notices the clinicalsigns of this disease, this needs to be seenby a veterinarian immediately. It is lifethreatening. Typical diagnostics that yourveterinarian may recommend start with aurinalysis, and a blood panel to evaluatekidney function as well. Knowing that thecatstypically do not have urinary tract infectionassociated with FLUTD is up in the air asfaras if they will recommend a urinary cultureas well. Other tests that may berecommended include abdominal ultrasound. X-rays are important, however, foranimals who are showing clinical signs forthe first time, it’s not always indicated. Treatments associated with this disease forcats that are having the mild symptomsoften require a little bit of fluid therapyso if you present to your veterinarian theymayrecommend fluids underneath the skin, sometimesthey will prophyllactically treat with antibioticsbut most importantly its pain control andmonitoring your animal to make sure that theyare not going to fully obstruct. Many times,dietary therapy is indicated as well, dependingon what we see on the urinalysis, but themost important thing with dietary therapyis canned food at least initially. It a catobstructs completely, meaning they’re unableto pass any urine at all, the veterinarianwill recommend most of the time to go aheadand place an IV Catheter, sedate your cat,and actually place a urinary catheter to relievethe obstruction. Most of the time, its nota stone, where this is not a surgical procedure,it’s a medical management situation wherea few days on IV fluids and medical therapyremove the catheter and then send it homefor at home care is usually what’s indicated. There are preventative measures in as muchas depending on the urinalysis results thatyour veterinarian will go over with you. Sometimesthere are crystals that are there that requiredietary therapy, sometimes fluids are indicated,sometimes other medications are indicatedas well, depending on the individual casethat presented for the feline urinary tractdisease. There you have it. Feline lower urinarytract disease can be a potentially fatal disease. I would like to reiterate a very importantpoint that Dr. Mourning discussed. That is,make sure your pet drinks more water. To recap,canned food is a way of getting more waterinto your pets diet. I often send my patientshome on a very specific diet. I picked thediet based on results of their lab tests andtheir individual needs. Your veterinarianmay discuss with you the importance of pHof the urine, if there are crystals, or ifthere is an infection present, there are manyover the counter diets that claim to be urinarydiets and many of them can be very beneficial. However, you need to talk to your veterinarianfirst to see if they think a dietary changeis necessary and which diet your pet shouldhave. Remember, if your recognize any of thesigns we discussed, call your veterinarianimmediately. Don’t wait. I hope this informationhas been helpful. Thank you for watching.