How to Feed Cat to Lose Weight?


How to Feed Cat to Lose Weight?


Obesity is a big issue in the world of cats. According to statistics, almost 50 percent of cats are obese. If we want to help them with obesity, we need to know how to feed a cat to lose weight. Many cat owners often reach for an over the counter diet, which do more harm than good. Namely, these diets are low in fat as well as in calorie. Diets that are low in fat do not satiate cats and their effects are not significant. Moreover, these diets usually lack some essential nutrients, thus depriving our fur friends of energy. They may even lead to health issues. If we want to help a cat reduce her weight, we should become aware how many calories a cat consumes during a day. Or, even better, how many calories one cat’s meal contains. Feline experts recommend keeping a diary that will show where is the problem. After that, we need to examine labels on food and learn about calorie recommendation. If we want to be sure that we decrease the calorie quantities, a good idea is to measure each meal. Experts also do not suggest putting a cat on a rigorous diet all at once. The best way is to gradually decrease food quantity and consistently do follow up on cat’s weight. To learn more about how to feed a cat to lose weight, the article “Ask Elizabeth: Care of Obese Cats” gives us the interesting calculation.

How to Feed Cat to Lose Weight?

A strict, calorie-controlled diet

My diet was based on the idea that a cat will lose weight slowly, steadily and safely if given about 70 percent of the calories needed to maintain ideal weight. My daily calories for weight loss were determined to be about 154 kcals per day.
Elizabeth’s ideal weight was estimated to be 11 pounds (5 kilograms). Your veterinarian can help you determine your cat’s ideal weight.
Daily calories needed to maintain ideal weight have been calculated in a few different ways. An equation commonly used is: 30 times body weight in kilograms, plus 70. For Elizabeth’s ideal weight of 5 kg, that translated into 220 kilocalories per day (30 X 5 + 70= 220 kcal).
For weight loss, offer 70 percent of the maintenance calories per day. For Elizabeth that was: 0.70 X 220 kcal = 154 kcal/day.
The next step was to determine the number of calories in each can of cat food I was eating. Calorie content is not generally listed on pet food labels; a call to the manufacturer is the most direct way to obtain this information about a particular product. My preferred cat food contains 116 kcals per 5.5 ounce can, so I am offered one and one-third cans each day, with no between meal snacks or people food.

To get the best results, wet food and meat are better than dry food. It is better to feed a cat smaller meals during a day. If we want fast results, then we may increase the number of play sessions with a cat. Sometimes, it can be hard, because cats are not often motivated to jump and hunt their toys. New toys or a new type of play can motivate a cat to exercise more. In any case, there is no substitute for a low-calorie diet. When we decide how to feed a cat to lose weight, it would be easier to stick to it. After that, it is only a matter of time when we see the first results.

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