Category: Cat Diabetes And Diet


What Is The Best Diet For Cats?


Many readers ask what is the best diet for cats? My stock reply has always been that the best diet is always one that is as closest as possible to what the cat would...


How Much Water Is Good For Cats?


This owners two cats seem to have entirely different water drinking habits, so she asks, how much water is good for cats? Bertha drinks a lot of water, yet Phillip appears to drink none. The...


The Best Food For Diabetic Cats


A cat owner from Minnesota asks what is the best food for diabetic cats. She already has a diabetic cat and has been feeding it ‘hard science diet’ and her other cat has recently been...

High Protein Diets For Cat Diabetes 0

High Protein Diets For Feline Diabetes


Your veterinary surgeon should recommend high protein diets for feline diabetes. If your vet appears to pay little attention to diet then take my advice and change surgery! I have mentioned many times before...

Low Carbohydrate Diets For Cat Diabetes 0

Low Carbohydrate Diets For Cat Diabetes


It was common knowledge even before the discovery of insulin that a low carbohydrate diet enabled the human diabetic to  live longer. The same applies to cats. However I am astonished to learn that...


Can Obesity Cause Cat Diabetes


A recent research project asked the question, can obesity cause cat diabetes? The results shows that obesity is indeed related to cat diabetes. That doesn’t surprise me at all. All my friends and relatives that...
