Category: Amazing Cats

The British Shorthair 0

The British Shorthair


The British Shorthair The British Shorthair belongs to the top of the list of the most popular cats, among the Siamese, Persians, and the Maine Coon cats. It is also the most popular cat...

What Can We Learn from Cats? 0

What Can We Learn from Cats?


What Can We Learn from Cats? Cat owners are fascinated with cats’ dignity, independence, and ability to do only what they choose to do. For many owners, these traits evoke deep respect and admiration....

How Do Cats Predict Earthquakes? 0

How Do Cats Predict Earthquakes?


How Do Cats Predict Earthquakes? Cats are known as animals that have a highly developed sixth sense. Even though we lack scientific evidence for this claim, many people, especially cat owners, firmly believe in...

Cats in Mythology 0

Cats in Mythology


Cats in Mythology During human history, cats have always amazed people. Their independent nature, unique traits, and powerful senses convinced people that cats belong to superpowerful beings. Not only that cats induce people’s great...

Maine Coon Cats – Myths and Origin 0

Maine Coon Cats – Myths and Origin


Maine Coon Cats – Myths and Origin Maine Coon cats‘ mysterious appearance, their large bodies, lavish coat, and kind nature make them one of the most popular cat breed. This very juncture of their...

Do Cats Feel Empathy? 0

Do Cats Feel Empathy?


Do Cats Feel Empathy? Every cat owner will agree that her/his cat has empathy. How many times, we have experienced the soothing behavior of our cats when we were sick, sad, or simply nervous....
