Welcome To Pet Cat Health – Cat Diabetes
Cat Diabetes
This cat diabetes website is dedicated to Inzy, our beloved cat who passed away in 2011. Cat diabetes is a disease that is becoming more and more common and it is important to know about cat diabetes symptoms and cat diabetes treatments. I hope the information on this website will help you to learn more about cat diabetes its causes, symptoms and treatments. I also hope to provide general information and articles on looking after the health and welfare of your pet cat.

Our cat Inzy to whom this cat diabetes website is dedicated
Many of my friends over the years have had cats that have suffered from feline or cat diabetes and I have seen the anguish they have gone through looking after and caring for a sick cat. But also a documentary I once saw on human diabetes led me to believe that maybe there were similarities between cat diabetes onset and the onset of human diabetes.
The documetary looked at the Aborigine people of Australia and remarked that before the white man came, diabetes and other western diseases such as heart disease, were unheard of. But within a generation or two of living like westerners the Aborgines were suffering from the same diseases such as diabetes and cancer.
The remarkable thing was that when the Aborigines went back to their nomadic type of life style the diseases slowly disappeared. Can we draw a similar analogy in relation to our pets? Perhaps cat diabetes is due to our pet cats living a western lifestyle! But the conventional view is that diabetes cannot be cured, although some alternative practitioners would beg to differ.
I will keep this cat diabetes website agnostic however. So I hope to bring you information on the latest treatments, therapies and research both conventional, natural and alternative. I will leave it to the reader to carry out further research and take on board what they resonate with an what they don’t. Remember at the end of the day we need to do what we feel is best for a pet cat, to ease or totally eradicate any suffering.