Best Food For Cats With Kidney Disease
Hey Madeline innocent here. To understandthe best food for cats with kidneydisease you first need to appreciatewhat the worst foods are and why. Hereinlies the cause of the health problem. Itisn’t just about managing the diseaseit’s more about fully healing it. That means reversing it. Returning yourcat to good health. And who doesn’t wantthat?Food is incredibly important to thehealth of all species. In fact it’s vital. Consider a motorbike running on aircraftfuel. Or tractor fuel. It wouldn’t. It’sall wrong for that type of engine. If itwas able to ru,n it would ruin the engine. The same applies for food. When your cat eats wrong food for the speciesill health HAS to result. Later ifyou’re lucky. Sooner is more likely. Thewrong food for the species ruins health,just like the wrong fuel for an engine. By relying on an unregulated industrythat only has its interest in the profitmade, could you be mistaken in yourchoices? This is what the commercial catfood industry is. Unregulated. Using cheapingredients. Using non nutritiousingredients. Cares more about theirprofit than the health of your cat. Bought for veterinary industry. Kidneydisease is rife in cats. It’s their weaklink. So this is often the first area tohave problems when the wrong food is fed. But because the body is so resilient andstrives so hard to remain healthy itcan take time. Tthis means nobodyconsiders the food as the cause. And it may not be the only cause. But itis the major contributor to everybody’shealth. For cats health the worst food isthe dry food. There are many problemswith dry food for cats. Amajor problemis the lack of moisture. Cats don’t havea natural thirst because they get most oftheir liquid requirements from theirfood. Dried food has little moisture andfew cats drink enough to catch up. Thismeans cat fed dry foods arechronically hydrated. This leads to kidneydisease and all types of renal problems. The second problem in a long list ofproblems with dry food is that catsshouldn’t have unrestricted access tofood. They’re not designed to eaton-demand. Eating on-demand puts an enormous strainon their digestive tract leading todisorders in these areas, in thenot-too-distant future. By simplychanging your cat food from unrestrictedto restrictive and/or from dry to wetyour cat’s health will improve. Probablya lot. But why stop there when you can domore. The wet foods still have amultitude of problems even though mostis marginally better than the dried food. Most people can’t comprehend how to feedtheir cat without resorting tocommercial cat food. Yet you’ll neverfind the best food for cats with kidneydisease or any other conditions on theshelves of a grocery store/supermarketor vet clinic. II’s a mindset that needsto be gently replaced with logic andcommon sense. Changing your mindset takestime. Discover the secrets the commercialpet food industry does NOT want you toknow about here at www. NaturalCatHealth. com/renal