Author: Taath


Liberty Research: Animal Abuser for Hire


If you were to drive by this cluster of buildings,you might never imagine the pain and miserybehind their walls. Dogs with holes drilled into their heads,cats suffocated under flipped-over litterboxes,dogs injected with insecticides—this iswhat...


Quarantine Cat


Ugh. Me alarm interrupting Nintindo Switch dream!! Again!!!!Me calendar starting 2 look like one-sided tic tac toe game. Different day. Same posts. Different day. Same news. Different day. Same leg licking. Me over it!New...


Declawing Is Cruel!


We have recently taken in three new catsthat have been declawed. And people have gotten the misconception that we supportthe act of declawing or think that it isokay but that is far from the...


Declawing: Jackson Galaxy Just Says No!


Today it comes out. In no uncertain terms, bythe time we’re done today,you will know exactlywhere the cat daddy stands. People, let’s talkabout declawing. It’s very simple. I mean, declawing is somethingthat I come...


Things No One Should Ever Be Doing To Their Cat


Because we love our cats we want what’s bestfor them, but you might not actually knowwhat’s best for your cat, because there aresome pretty weird and benign-seeming thingsin our homes that can be dangerous...
