Author: Taath

Can Cats See Color? 0

Can Cats See Color?


Can Cats See Color? How many times we ask ourselves if cats can see distinct colors? Do they make a distinction between a yellow ball from the red one? Or, are they completely indifferent...

How Does Genetics Affect Calico Cats? 0

How Does Genetics Affect Calico Cats?


How Does Genetics Affect Calico Cats? Calico cats belong to a group of so-called tricolor cats. They do not represent a breed. The term calico marks the particular group of cats that share the...

Is Cat Hair Harmful to Children? 0

Is Cat Hair Harmful to Children?


Is Cat Hair Harmful to Children? Many people are afraid of what will happen if their child swallows a cat’s hair. Some of them think that once ingested hair can reach the liver, lungs...

How to Teach Children to Handle a Cat Properly? 0

How to Teach Children to Handle a Cat Properly?


How to Teach Children to Handle a Cat Properly? Children and cats playing together are the most beautiful image for every cat owner and parent. But, for many of us, it seems that we...

What to Do If Mother Cat Abandons Kittens? 0

What to Do If Mother Cat Abandons Kittens?


What to Do If Mother Cat Abandons Kittens? Female cats are usually great mothers, but sometimes they can abandon their kittens for various reasons. Namely, sometimes mother cat feels sick and does not want...

What to Do to Help Poisoned Cat 0

What to Do to Help Poisoned Cat


What to Do to Help Poisoned Cat Poisoning risks for cats are numerous, especially for kittens. Cats can be exposed to toxins, chemicals and other dangerous substances and materials in many ways. It is...

Cats and Flu 0

Cats and Flu


Cats and Flu Flu is a relatively common ailment that affects cats. It usually passes without further complications, but some cats like immunosuppressed, senior, and kittens can experience more serious effects than normal. The...
