Author: Taath

cat language 0

Cat Language


Cat Language Cat Language   Dear cat parent, Most cats are smarter than human babies. MUCH smarter. And as a loving parent of a four legged child, I bet you already knew that, didn’t...


Are Men Who like Cats Less Masculine?


Are Men Who like Cats Less Masculine? This common stereotype revolves around the idea of conventional masculinity. Many people still stick with this idea, completely ignoring the fact that each person is unique and...


Benefits of Grooming


Benefits of Grooming Long-haired cats need grooming as a daily routine. Regular grooming helps them maintain a healthy fur without mats and tangles. However, grooming is beneficial for short-haired cats too. Even though their...


Does Your Cat Comb Your Hair?


Does Your Cat Comb Your Hair? Many of us believe that grooming is a one-way street or a cat’s business. We are accustomed to the idea that grooming has only a cat as an...


What Causes Swollen Eyes in Cats?


What Causes Swollen Eyes in Cats? Cat’s eyes may become swollen for many reasons. It is not a rare condition for many cats. When swollen eyes are accompanied by a yellow discharge, watery eyes,...


How Do Cats Help with Depression?


How Do Cats Help with Depression? Cats are known for their miraculous healing properties. Scientific studies reveal that cats purr at the frequency similar to one of meditative state. Because of that, cat purring...


Why Do Cats Love Bathrooms?


Why Do Cats Love Bathrooms? The most popular room for every indoor cat is a bathroom. Many owners report that they may sit for hours in any other room and their cats would not...
