Ringworm in Cats-Causes, Symptoms ??
what is Rea MERM ringworm is the commonname for dermatophyte dosis which is ahighly contagious fungal infection thataffects the skin usually in closeproximity to hair and nails in manycases their mattify tosses presence as ared ring shaped infection on the outerlayers of the skin ringworm is notlife-threatening but it can beuncomfortable and may be spread to otherpets and humans while cats of all agescan contract during worm infectionkittens are the most susceptiblesymptoms of ringworm in catsin some cases ringworm symptoms areeasily observed however in less obviouscases ringworm can be more difficult todiagnose in cats especially long-hairedcats the following symptoms will oftencause a veterinarian to suspect ringwormscaling of skin and coat erythema andinflamed redness of the skin route thatcan patches of skin patchy hair lossoften accompanied by crusty skin unlikea mycosis an infection of the cat’sclaws that causes them to become scalyand rough it should also be noted thatafter coming in contact with ringwormfungi some cats become carriers butnever exhibit any outward symptoms thesecats will likely infect other animals inhumans if they are not treatedcauses of ringworm and cats ringworm iscaused by a fungal infection thatsettles into the outer layers of theskin usually near hair and nails thevast majority of ringworm cases arecaused by the spores of the Micra spermcanis fungus but on rare occasionsringworm has been found to be caused bythe spores of three other thank I MikeRoss sperm per C color Tricia fightin Rintegral fights and Mike Ross Perotmuseum regardless of the particularfungus that has caused the infection theoverall causes are the same these fungiare highly contagious spreading eitherby direct contact between animalsbetween animals and humans or throughcontact with a contaminated object orsurface cracked skin is exceptionallyvulnerable to ringworm infections as thespores can settle within the cracks oncethe skin comes in contact with thefungus there is typically a 7 to 14 dayincubation period before the infectionbecomes visible on the skin’s surface