You’re Setting Up Your Litter Box All Wrong!
You set out to just putout something definitiveabout litter boxes and sortof Litter Box Etiquette 101. And it’s just like theAlice in Wonderlandrabbit hole just likefilled with poop instead,because you’re justconstantly digging and diggingand digging. There’s more stuff. There’s more stuff. OK. Well, we’re going to continue,because there is nevera last word on litter boxes. Let’s catify the world. Come on. So the last time we weretalking about really Litter Box101, things you may nothave known about the wayyour cat sees their territoryvis-a-vis their litter boxesand what you can do to helpsecure their territory,make it more appropriate forthem to use a litter box,and at the end of theday make you happy. Let’s have some generalrules on board here. Number one, that oldadage is actually right. If you have two cats, you wanttwo boxes, plus one, threeboxes. Three cats, four boxes. One cat, two boxes. That makes sure that thecats can territoriallyidentify the entire home,so put those boxes out. That leads me to the next thing. Put them out. I don’t want to seeyou saying to me,I have three litter boxes,Jackson, just like you said. And all three ofthose boxes are sideby side in a cornerin the garage. You have to putthem in places thatare– don’t kill me–socially important places. How many people have saidthis, cats want privacy?Hmm. So you’re sayingthat your cat wantsto go into a cabinet that’sdisguised as a litter box. That’s ridiculous. If your cat had ither way, she wouldbe outside pooping andpeeing in a bush rightoutside your door tomark that territory. She doesn’t need privacy. You do. You don’t want to be takinga look at your cat peeand pooping around the house. And what happens then, you’llput them in the mud room. You’ll put them behindthe washing machine. You’ll put them underthe car in the garage. You’ll put them where youdon’t have to look at them. And folks, I am telling you,if you want to solve litter boxproblems in your home,make the opposite choicethat your aesthetic itis telling you to make. If cat is insecure and markingcertain areas because theydon’t feel secure about thatarea, putting a litter boxthere is really important,because at the very leastyou can praise them fordoing something right,as opposed to damning themfor doing something wrong. And the next thing is, I puta little box in the diningroom or the livingroom or my bedroom,just like you asked me to do. I resent the hell out of it. But I did it. What’s the next thing you do?You plug in air freshenersaround the thing. You deodorize the hellout of that litter box. That drives cats away. So no plug-in deodorizers,no sprinkle-on deodorizers. I don’t really believein scented litter at all. If you consistently scoop yourcat’s stuff out of the litterbox, you’re not going to haveto worry about that smell. Now I want to bringup one more thingabout preventinglitter box problems. Catification is a big thing. What is catification?We’ve talked aboutthis one before. It is environmentalenrichment for cats,but also environmentalenrichmentthat doesn’t precludeyour aesthetic sense. Yes, you can have thingsthat work for your catsand work for you the same time. So let’s take forinstance, the litter boxthat everybody seems to have. It’s a litter box whereyou’ve got a big hood on it. And then what you do is youtake the opening to the hoodand you face it to the wall,because for some reasonhumans do not likelooking at litter. Wherever they go in, they gotto know they can get out again. There has got tobe an escape route. So if they are in that litterbox with that hole facingthe wall and anothercat or a dog or a childcomes up behindthem, they’re surelynot going to goback to a box wherethey get ambushed and cornered. So when you’re lookingat litter boxesand how you placethem around the house,you’ve got to make sureyour cats have exit routeseverywhere. A lot of cats have almost apost-traumatic stress reactionto the litter boxwhere either theywere ambushed by another cat orit used to hurt to pee there. And what you’regoing to need to dois start collecting litterboxes that look and feeland nothing like thelitter box that you’vebeen using, just because wecan build a new association. Does that mean getrid of the old one?No. It means add another one. If you have a big,square, deep box,you go for something veryshallow, something round,a different type oflitter altogether. And you put itaround the house, letthem choose where I want to go,what kind of litter I prefer,what’s the depth I like. And then you can slowly startreplacing the boxes thatwere offensive to yourcat to begin with. There’s so muchmore to talk about. But here’s the exciting part. I don’t think there’s any waywe can encapsulate this alland me just talking toa camera and talkingto you through my camera. I think it’s time tobring you into it. So the next time wehave a Google Hangout,which is coming upreally soon, we’regoing to take the questionsthat most are asking. And I know I’mmissing something. And you’re going to fillme in on what I’m missing. So down in thecomments section below,start writing yourquestions for me. I want them to be in general. I don’t want to hear, Ihave cat who dot, dot, dot,because the question isgoing to be this long. And I’ve got to tell you,folks, it’s not going to read. I want to have questionsthat everybody can relate to. And I will try toanswer them all. And then, if you actuallywatch the description below,it’ll give youinstructions on howto get involved with theHangout, how you and me can goa little mano a mano livein front of everybodythrough the magic ofGoogle and hanging out. You can find me on Twitterand Facebook and YouTube. Obviously, you found me there. My website, jacksongalaxy. com. You can find me just aboutin any of the social medianooks and crannies and find outwhen that Hangout is happening,and also when we’ve gotnew “My Cat From Hell,”which, by the way,August 23rd, new episodesof “My Cat FromHell,” season five. Until the nexttime we talk, justkeep your head in the litterbox and keep your hands outof the litter box. Think inside the box. Think outside the box. Just get more boxes. How about that?All light. All love. All mojo to you. I’ll talk to you soon. Love you.