How to help a pregnant cat! – Pregnant cat care 101
hey guys welcome back to relax my catmy name is Savannah and here with me isMiaalready planning their escape andtoday’s video is told mainly fromexperience ok so some of you may knowthat Maya is a grandmother probably agreat-grandmother and that kind of leadsus on to what this video is about I’mjust going to get right into anyway it’swhat to do or what to expect when yourcat gives birth ok so some of you may knowthat Maya had a litter of five kittenswhen she was much younger and honestlythe pregnancy there wasn’t many signswith Maya because she was a bit of atubber anyway so you couldn’t reallytell physically oh my god she’s offendedit could really do anything if you dosuspect that your cat is pregnantespecially if they’re very old or veryyoung and definitely take them to thevet because the best thing about thevets when you cat is pregnant is firstoff they’ll be able to tell if they are or notsecond off they will give you a briefingon what to do when the birth actuallyhappens what to do in the weeks leadingup to that and it’s really reallyhelpful so definitely go to your vet andmake sure you get checked and honestlyno matter how informative I think I amthe vets advice is going to be betterokay so getting into the birth part makesure you keep your space really cleanlike under sofas behind wardrobes justeverywhere that’s tight and dark thatyour cat will find safe make sure youkeep that really clean because and ussafe and dark and small because they’llprobably want to make their nest thereas far away from where people usuallypass through Maya was under a bed sothat’s probably the kind ofhe’s looking for also keep any specialstuffed animals nice and safe and awaybecause we don’t want another incidentlike what happened to mr. bear whereMaya proceeded to rip out his stuff inand use that as a nest to give birth onalso when the birth is happening makesure you give you a cat plenty of spaceI know it can be scary and no you mightwant to hold them but she probably knowswhat she’s doing and just be there toobserve and make sure everything’s goingokay if you are worried you can alwayscall the bats and a lot of vets willactually talk you through the birthwhile you’re on the phone which is superhelpful and it comes you down a littlebit the other thing is though I wouldrecommend being very quiet you don’twant any loud sounds and you freak itout that’s gonna scare you can’t and thelast one that I would say is reallyimportant is don’t touch newborns andany kind of object that can imprint asmell is really dangerous with newbornkittens because capsule a bit ficklewhen it comes to parenting and if theydon’t recognize the kitten they won’tlook after it so if the kitten just geta little bit too far away from mom Ijust use something that doesn’t have asmell some kind of object to gently pushthem back towards it it should be finethat’s what happened one of Maya’skittens and she managed to crawl all theway out of the bed and we couldn’t touchher so how do we get her back there mydearand so my sister gently nudged her backin everything as well obviously with thesubject there are so many things to talkabout so many do’s and don’ts and if Iput them all into one video it would bea really long video so what I’ve doneinstead I put a couple links down belowin the description just that I thoughtwere really good advice and that you canlook through if this isn’t what you’regoing through so with that said asalways Maya as always we have a t-shirtwinner to announce you can’t see becausemy eye is actually here for once that’snicetshirt we do it now and I’ll do that foryou now so our winner this week is mochawhich thank you so much everyone forcoming tonight ma quit heading over toInstagram to send us your address andyour size so you can get a shirt sentout for you everyone else like I saidlast week don’t worry it’s going onagain this week so I need to do isnumber one be subscribed to relax my cathit the bell bottom decide because itjust makes easier and then number twopost a comment down in the video sectioncomment section below within an hour ofthis video going up you’re entered sothank you again so much and I will seeyou next week thank you! Ba bye