Fierce feline who terrorized Oregon family stumps ‘My Cat From Hell’ TV show host
In what truly epitomized the title of hisTV show, “My Cat From Hell,” feline behavioristJackson Galaxy is calling his attempt to tamethe Portland cat notorious for attacking ababy and boxing his panicked owners into abedroom “the hardest case I have ever worked. “It got more difficult after the happy endingfor the cat named Lux soon unraveled. In thereality show that aired last weekend, Galaxypersuades another Portland couple to takeLux while the cat is treated with antidepressantsand anti-seizure medication. A veterinariandiagnosed Lux with feline hyper-esthesia syndrome,which can trigger violent behavior. But afterthe episode’s taping, Lux attacked his newguardians and they gave him up for their ownsafety. “It was the worst letdown,” Galaxytold The Associated Press on Tuesday. “I don’tthink I’ve ever had a bigger shock. This isthe hardest case I have ever worked. ” Buttake heart, Lux supporters. The 4-year-oldcat has become Galaxy’s buddy, and the realitystar says he hasn’t given up. He’s placedLux in a veterinary clinic where the cat receivesmedication while undergoing treatment to tryto identify what turns this feline Dr. Jekyllinto Mr. Hyde. Lux became one of the mostnotorious cats in pet history after his ownercalled 911 on March 9 as the cat terrorizedhis family. Lee Palmer told dispatchers Luxhad scratched his son’s head and was out ofcontrol. The family barricaded themselvesin a bedroom, and Lux could be heard screechingmenacingly in the background. Galaxy set upa series of meetings with Lux and his owners,who did not return messages seeking comment. The episode shown Saturday demonstrated thedifficulty in solving the puzzle that is Lux. In their first encounter, Galaxy walks intoa bedroom where the cat’s fearful owners havesequestered him. Galaxy sees Lux peeking outfrom behind a box. The cat’s eyes are dilated,a sign of distress. He growls. After makingeye contact at the cat’s level and offeringtreats, Galaxy is able to pick up Lux andput him on his lap. The cat returns Galaxy’saffection as the tattooed TV host pets him. “I do not see a vicious cat,” Galaxy says. “I do not see a killer. ” In the show, Galaxytemporarily puts Lux in the care of anothercouple to see whether the cat would be violentin a different home. Lux attacked one of itsnew owners. A Portland veterinarian suggestsLux be medicated, and the new owners agreeto take Lux back. At first, it went well. But after the show wrapped, the couple calledGalaxy to say the cat had several violentepisodes. Galaxy said the cat was a dangerto them and he understands why they couldn’tkeep him. Despite the outbursts, everyoneseems to fall for Lux, a long-haired cat witha sweet face. That’s the case for Galaxy,who has dealt with thousands of difficultcats. “I fell in love with him the secondI met him,” Galaxy said. “He’s the sweetestboy in the world. ” The reality star has madesaving Lux from euthanasia his personal crusade. The cat is at a clinic — Galaxy won’t divulgethe location — where specialists are tryingto better understand the complicated feline. Galaxy works with them on treatment, and it’sgoing well so far. The medication is startingto work. Staff members at the clinic put Luxin different social situations to see howhe responds. Galaxy hopes they can modifyLux’s behavior so the cat can someday finda home. “I’m going to keep working with thiscat,” Galaxy said. “I’ve got to be sure Igive him the best shot. “